About Us

Tamara Štefanac
Project Coordinator
Tamara Štefanac is a senior archivist and curator at the National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia. She holds a doctorate degree in Information Science from University of Zadar, Croatia. After completing graduate study she worked as the Archivist-Documentalist and Curator before becoming the Director of the Croatian Railway Museum. As an author, co-author and curator she has prepared twelve museum exhibitions and participated in the realization of various museum publications. Her research interests include issues of processing and description of archival and documentary material, and more broadly, of creation, management, and use of documentation in various heritage contexts. Specific topics of interest include descriptive metadata, the social life of metadata, exhibitions of archival and documentary material, and the evidential value of material in heritage institutions and communities.
Archival Documentation of Diasporic Croatian Community Experiences